Sunday 4 January 2015

Rihanna ‘vows to steer clear of bad boys’ after failed relationships with Chris Brown and Drake

Rihanna has sworn off bad boys for good, according to a new report.

The S&M hitmaker, who has been enjoying Christmas in Barbados, has told her pals that she won’t be hooking up with anyone from “the industry” after failed romances with Chris Brown and Take Care rapper Drake.

RiRi is reportedly fed up with getting her heartbroken after trying (more than once) with both of the musicians.

“She isn't going to mess with anybody in the industry like that anymore,” a source close to Rihanna said.

"Those guys bring her nothing but pain and heartbreak."

The source continued: "Most of them are whack and very childish.

"She doesn't have time for that. She's not trying to raise a man. She already tried that twice and it didn't work.

"All those dudes were good for was sex anyway, that was by far their best quality.

"But when it came to love, commitment, honesty and trying to build a future, they all fell way short."

The source told "She's not that girl anymore.

"She's grown up now and can find someone good in the sack anywhere. She's looking for more and doesn't think guys in music, especially rappers, have the key to the lock around her heart."

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